Non-Profit Organization, Pro2Tect And Helps To Preserve the Ocean

Nickole Ciszak is dedicated to protecting the environment and focuses on sustainability throughout daily life. Nickole and Darren Fryer founded the nonprofit organization, Pro2Tect. Its mission is “To help sustain the world’s greatest source of oxygen,  the Ocean. Pro2Tect has inspired many people to donate to the cause, to participate in ocean cleanups, and to help with the rebuilding local infrastructures and other endeavors. Nickole Ciszak graduated from the University of Arizona and resides in Maui, Hawaii. Nickole and Darren have devoted their lives to making a difference as they continue to inspire individuals around the world.

Tell us about Pro2Tect?
Darren Fryer, my incredible boyfriend, founded Pro2tect back in 2019. He wanted to create a movement highlighting the importance of the oceans as a source of life. He left Maui, Hawaii, to travel the world before creating Pro2tect. When he returned to his home he couldn’t believe what had happened to the coral reefs and the increase in pollution on the island where he grew up. When he met me, he knew that he found a partner who cares as deeply as he does about the environment. We make sacrifices in our lives to fight for change. This year, 2022, our baby Pro2tect finally became live and we filed as a 501(c)(3). Having Pro2tect becoming a registered nonprofit has really made everything feel real for us. All the demanding work of putting it together finally flourished. We are so thankful for all the support we have received and can’t wait to see how we grow our community more.

What has been your favorite experience with Pro2Tect?
My favorite experience has to be when one of our NFT partnerships wanted to collaborate on a “Hawaii Giveaway” trip. We flew out 10 holders and had a weeklong of sustainable adventures on Maui. We hosted a beach cleanup, planted Hawaiian native plants, and showed the holders our everyday lives of saving the ocean. We are now planning the second one for 2023 and we couldn’t be more excited.

What goals do you wish to achieve through Pro2Tect?
Our biggest goal has been our partnership with CRDC GLOBAL - RESIN8. It is the only material from plastic waste to improve the performance of structural concrete products and earn acceptance from the construction industry. We are waiting to hear if our grant got approved to bring a facility to Maui. We want to create a circular economy on the island, and this will help us kick start it.

What does sustainability mean to you?
Becoming sober and living holistically healthy has taught me so much about sustainability. I am more conscious of my decisions, and I stopped thinking about myself. Before I throw out anything I always triple check if I could reuse it for something else. Honestly, being sustainable has made life more fun. We’ve found a way to “Turn Trash into Treasure.” Darren and I fell in love with making Resin Art with the trash we collected from our cleanups. It’s our way to show our family/friends/community the different ways you can take trash and make it into something beautiful.

What is some advice you have for someone who aims to be more sustainable in everyday life?
Live a zero-waste lifestyle! One of the easiest ways to be more sustainable in everyday life is to reduce single-use plastic in your home. Everyone should be wanting to do this anyway because microplastics have been detected in human blood in a new study. Researchers found plastic in the blood of 17 of 22 of study participants, and that should scare you. Not only do we need to protect the ocean, but we also need to protect ourselves too.

What inspires you?
My parents. They both came from Poland to America to live a better life. I was the first born in both families in the United States so I had the pressure of living/pursuing an American Dream. I felt like my whole life I was chasing a fantasy when all I needed was the ocean to heal me. Now I truly feel like I am living the American Dream, fighting to make a change for something REAL. Knowing I am going to leave a legacy with my future husband and bring our children into a cleaner world.

When you’re not working, what do you enjoy doing?
I fell in love with Freediving this year. When I hold my breath, swim under water a couple of feet, and stay still in the deep blue water, I feel like the world stops. This life underwater is so magical but we barely know anything about it. Swimming with turtles, whales, and creatures of the sea has no comparison to anything else in the world. I love adventuring and pushing myself to the limits. “No one can do everything, but everyone can do something.”

Social Media
Instagram: @nickoleciszak
Twitter: @nickoleciszak
TikTok: @nickoleciszak
Youtube Channels: Darren Fryer, Nickole Ciszak, & Darren and Nickole 
Pro2tect Website:

Interview by Lola Jarzemsky, Contributor, PhotoBook Magazine
Tearsheets by Alexa Dyer, Graphic Design Coordinator, PhotoBook Magazine