Spotlight: Carrie Murray

Tearsheet by Emma Miller. Photography by Schuh Box Photos.

Tearsheet by Emma Miller.
Photography by Schuh Box Photos.

1. Name?
Carrie Murray.

2. Profession?
Founder of Business Relationship Alliance.

3. Tell us about yourself.
I’m Carrie Murray, founder of Business Relationship Alliance or BRA, a network of female entrepreneurs that lift and support each other. Originally from San Francisco, I came to Los Angeles to attend graduate school and received a master’s degree in Education. I was a teacher and later a principal at a charter school in the Los Angeles Unified School District. I decided to leave public school life and founded my own school, for twice-exceptional kids and quickly realized I knew everything about how to run a school but knew nothing about how to run a business. It was at that time that I found myself surrounded by other female entrepreneurs that were craving connection and community. However, since most networking groups were very focused on the male experience and perspective, I decided to create my own female-focused networking group for female business owners, and to my surprise, women flocked to the networking events I designed. After three years, I sold my school and began focusing on building relationships and community and growing BRA Network full time. I reached 300 active members in the Los Angeles greater area and across the country. I am also treated like a queen by my husband and we love raising our two kids, River(10) and Caitlyn(13).

2.  Tell us about your experience in being an advocate for supporting hard-working females? Advocacy comes very naturally for me. I started advocating for women when I was in college and earning my Bachelor of Social Work. I worked as a court advocate in the Domestic Violence Division of the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office. So when it came to supporting female entrepreneurs, it came very easy for me to apply what I learned in my previous experiences. 

Hard-working women need two things: someone to not only hear them but to listen and to feel connected to a community of like-minded people. Women thrive in a supportive community and I get to witness that in person at BRA events and digitally at our virtual events. 

3.  What is the Business Relationship Alliance? 
At the core, Business Relationship Alliance was founded on the principles that we are stronger as a collective than as individuals. When we come together as a community, standing on the shoulders of previous impactful brave women, collectively we will not only reach the glass ceiling but also break through it. Our mission is to connect and uplift female entrepreneurs with the support, resources, and networking opportunities they need so they can grow profitable businesses while balancing a fabulous lifestyle.

4.  You opened your own school for exceptional children. What was this experience like?Challenging. I had all the pieces in place and my students, families, and teachers were thriving in this new learning environment. We finally got the opportunity to teach to a student’s individual needs and not have to deal with bureaucratic red tape.  Professionally and personally one of my proudest moments. However, on paper, the business was failing.  After three years, I made the tough choice to close.

5.  What is the main message of BRA?
A BRA member shares in the understanding that:

•  We use empowerment as a vehicle towards the advancement of all women, everywhere.

•  Being in the business of helping women get more business changes the landscape of the current global economy.

• We are purposeful in building businesses that are reflections of a diverse inclusive community and not a homogenized group. 

• We act ethically in their business practices and production. 

• We live boldly, which means we strive to live fun, fabulous, purposeful lives that inspire the next generation of women business owners.

• We enjoy the journey.

Tearsheet by Emma Miller. Photography by Courtney Paige Ray.

Tearsheet by Emma Miller.
Photography by Courtney Paige Ray.

6.  What kind of people hope to discover BRA? 
Anyone looking to advance female-founded businesses. Entrepreneurs and business owners that are in need of an active, supportive, bias-free community and are looking to advance their business knowledge and position themselves as the expert. 

7.  In what ways do you hope to see BRA grow?
BRA Network continues to expand its reach globally. In the coming year, BRA chapters are coming to cities across the country! I’m also launching a conference called, Her Currency Summit in the summer of 2021.

8.  Are you continuing to do meetups through COVID 19?
Yes, we have virtual networking events using digital platforms like Zoom, Remo, and Hey Summit. Wisdom Wednesdays are our weekly accountability group, where members gain and share wisdom. We discuss goals, strategies, and best practices. We also offer educational webinars on various business topics such as social media marketing and financial planning. 

9. How can one get involved in BRA?
Join my email list! Here is a free toolkit to help anyone to navigate entrepreneurship.

Tearsheet by Emma Miller. Photography by Schuh Box Photos.

Tearsheet by Emma Miller.
Photography by Schuh Box Photos.

10. Motto in life?
What you seek, is also seeking you.

11. Social Media & Website?

Instagram: @bra_network


Article by Alison Hernon, Editor-In-Chief, PhotoBook Magazine.

Street Talk supports emerging artists who merit being discovered with skills such as dance, art, design, sculpture, architecture, fashion trends, shop the look, and fine art photography.