Rachel Antonoff's Clothing Brand Was Created On The Foundation Of Equality & Inclusivity

Rachel Antonoff outfit, stripes in blue, cream, white, pink and red

Rachel Antonoff

Rachel Antonoff, a 38-year-old designer from Teaneck, New Jersey, began her journey into the fashion industry after spending her early years commuting back and forth to New York City to receive training in Musical Theatre. After a realization that she was on the wrong path, she took a turn towards fashion, and things have been whimsical for the designer ever since.

In 2008, Rachel Antonoff started her self-named brand with just three dresses. Now, 12 years later, her brand has bloomed and taken over the closets of the most eccentric and dauntless fashion lovers.

Rachel Antonoff has never strayed from taking risks with bold prints, vibrant colors, and out-of-the-box collections. Antonoff herself, raw and outspoken, reflects these traits in her clothes. With political statements printed on tees and cups of Jell-O displayed on dresses, her brand is not one to be worn with the intention of staying hidden.

A scroll through her website tells you this brand is truly the offspring of its creator. You find yourself captivated by brown cow spots on a hot pink, puffy sleeved dress, metallic blouses, and silhouettes reminiscent of decades passed from the 1950s to the 1980s. These clothes were made for women who eat, sleep, and breathe in bold.

Rachel Antonoff herself, an activist and supporter of organizations such as GLAAD and The Trevor Project, mirrors these values in the fashion she imagines and the steps she takes to get the clothes into our hands. As her ethical policy states, Rachel Antonoff was created on a “foundation of equality and inclusivity.”

Sport a sweatshirt with a uterus on it or a tee with the words “Hysterical female” printed in bold. No matter what she designs, you can be confident that what you’re wearing is both chic and sustainable.

Rachel Antonoff dress in bright colors and sandals
Rachel Antonoff dress with two-piece style
Rachel Antonoff in pink and grey splashes

Website: https://rachelantonoff.com

Social Media: @rachelantonoff

Interview by Riley Jordan, Contributor, PhotoBook Magazine.

Style With A Cause highlights designers who support a cause such as sustainability, charities, and fair trade.