Will Catlett

Turtleneck by Banana Republic

Will Catlett, born in Alexandria, Virginia, is a name you are going to be hearing a lot about in the coming years. He currently stars with Kevin Hart, Wesley Snipes, and Billy Zane in Netflix’s “True Story.” The show, based on Kevin Hart’s career, comments on the problems associated with being famous. Catlett’s role in “True Story,” as well as in “Love Is” and “Charm City Kings,” make him a force to be reckoned with.

Sweater by Alexander McQueen
Jumpsuit by IvanBittonStyleHouse
Turtleneck by Banana Republic

How did you get your start in acting?
I’ve been telling this story for a few years now. I’m currently bent over from laughter, because it’s funny how life grabs you in the weirdest way. True Story, I met a guy at Footlocker and he had the whitest teeth I’ve ever seen. I said, “Brotha, how did you get your teeth so white?” In my mind this brotha had to do something besides selling me a pair of G-UNIT sneakers. He had a smile that captured New York City. His reply, “Crest White strips.” My follow up question was, “Well, what do you do?” “I’m an actor.” I said, “man, I always wanted to try that.” Till this day, I do not know what prompted that reply. At that point I was playing basketball in college, and I had never thought about acting. It’s really never crossed my mind. Then he said, “You should come to this acting class I go to. I’ll pick you up.” The rest is history. 

What do you like most about your job?
The best thing is meeting all the people who work behind the scenes. It takes an enormous amount of effort to pull a production together and that is a huge win in itself. Sometimes we’re so focused on the life changing wins, we miss the seem to be smaller wins in between. I feel like someone needs to be reminded of that. Okay, back to the question you asked. Let’s think about it. You can potentially work with a group of people in a remote location for months or even years. You become a family. You watch people have children, buy homes, get married, get divorced, find new love, and then get married again. I’m bent over laughing again. Because that is the joy. The joy of family and supporting each other.

Top by B JAMES
Sweater by Alexander McQueen
Jumpsuit by IvanBittonStyleHouse

What advice would you give yourself when you first started in the industry, knowing what you do now?
The advice I will give my younger self knowing what I know now, would be this: Do not make any agreements based on your future when it comes to people. We make these verbal and silent agreements with people who we believe will be there for our entire journey. We are excited in the moment and we’re believing whom we started with will be there until the end. But wisdom teaches us that people are in your life for reason, a season or a lifetime. So only make agreements with your vision. This way you can be open to allowing room for the new folks to come and support your vision. If you master this way of thinking early, it will make breakups less stressful. 

Who is your biggest inspiration? 
As of right now, it would be my daughter. This little girl would cry at the drop of a dime then laugh in my face all in the same moment. She inspires me to remain in the moment. Life is lived moment to moment. When we take a picture, we capture a moment. She is a constant reminder that in order to capture life, one must live moment to moment.

Suit by Grayscale
Turtleneck by Banana Republic
Shoes by Kenzo

How do you prepare for a role/get into character?
Well, each role is different. I’m always searching for some connective tissue I can pull from. I believe the character just wants to use my body so when a writer has written the words on the pages, it’s my job to breathe life into those words. It’s really spiritual for me. The words must become flesh. There are many challenges in getting to that point, so as an artist, I have to be patient with the process. Trust the Process. Eventually the character speaks to me. 

What do you want viewers to take away from your character in “True Story?”
It’s very simple: TO BE SEEN. So many heroes are in the shadows of the main star, but they’re just as important and responsible for the success of the main star. There’s a line in episode 7 when HERSCHEL asks KID “WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME?” He was more hurt by the fact that KID didn’t trust him enough to come and talk to him about what was going on. It wasn’t about the money; it was about the principal. I hope every bodyguard in the world felt seen and knows that their service matters.

Top by B JAMES

What is it like working with a huge talent like Kevin Hart?
Mr. Kevin Hart is special man. He poured into me in so many ways. I can’t discuss them all here because some things are better kept in the chest. His work ethic is unmatched. I’ve never seen someone look at a scene one time and know all the lines. He has an incredible memory. He’s just a good dude, man! To be at that level and still good to people is legacy. I love you too much, man. 

Is there a director or actor you have always dreamed of working with
Yes. Christopher Nolan. I think we can really make something super special and timeless.

Turtleneck by Banana Republic
Pants by Vrede919

What can fans expect from you in 2022?
Ahh man. I’m the hottest out there! But instead of boring you with all my upcoming work, just know I appreciate both the new and seasoned fans of Will Catlett. Let’s continue to live loud and capture the moments. 

Social Media.
IG: willcatlett 
Twitter: chillwillbey

Turtleneck by Banana Republic

Photographer: Agata Serge
Talent: Will Catlett
Fashion Stylist: Melvin Sanders
Groomer: Raquel Moreno
Tearsheets by Daniel López, Associate Art Director, PhotoBook Magazine
Interview by Jessica Bally, Contributor, PhotoBook Magazine

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