Sam McCarthy, a 20-year-old American actor from New York City, made his film debut in “All These Small Moments,” in 2018. He is known for his roles as Sam Barber Jr. in the drama series “Condor” and Charlie Harding in the Netflix series “Dead to Me,” where he plays Christina Applegate’s son. Season 3 is now streaming on Netflix.

How did you get into acting? Did you always know you wanted to be an actor? What was it like growing up in a family of actors?
When I was young, I was in school plays and loved the experience. I always knew I was going to be an actor. However, there were years in my adolescence when I really questioned whether it was what I really wanted to do. But in filming the final season of “Dead to Me,” I allowed the work to become my own, and I truly understood this is where I wanted to be.

You made your professional acting debut on ABC’s “The Family” when you were only 14 years old. What was it like to start professionally acting at such a young age?
I remember shooting that and being terrified and exhilarated. Working on a big set at that age felt pretty crazy but because I sort of grew up around sets. They were not alien to me.

You graduated from The Professional Children’s School in 2020. What was it like attending a college preparatory school? Did you value your experience there?
To be honest, I was never a school person, but PCS allowed me to work outside of school and, as such, I was able to be a part of  “Dead to Me,” and to that I am eternally grateful.

You’ve already worked on comedy, dark comedy, crime thriller, coming of age, and drama projects. Do you have a favorite genre to work on? Any that you hope to try out in the future?
No, not really. Honestly, I just want to work on things that spark my curiosity and that I feel drawn to.

How did you prepare to play Peter in “18 to Party?”
When I played Peter, I was 15, frankly I was happy to be there.

What was the greatest challenge in playing Sam on “Condor?”
My father has been one of my greatest mentors but living up to what I perceived my father’s expectations to be was the biggest challenge as I worked with him on that show. I also do think that that pressure, or even just perception of pressure improved the quality of my work.

How did it feel to find out you were cast as a main role in a Netflix series at only 16 years old? What drew you to “Dead to Me?”
When I got the call that I would be working on that show, I was over the moon. I was out to lunch with my stepfather for his birthday. I’m not sure I even understood what it meant, or would come to mean, but I was deeply grateful.

What was it like working with Christina Applegate and Linda Cardellini on that project?
I could write a book on the answer to the question. Christina and Linda are such professionals, so kind, inclusive, talented, and skilled. I really don’t know how my experience would have turned out if it were not for the two of them, I know my work certainly would have been worse. They are wonderful actors in every sense of the word.

Tell us how you view Charlie’s character development in the final season? Did you approach this season any differently than the last?
This final season demands that Charlie grow up and show more understanding, sensitivity, empathy, and responsibility for those around him. I think my preparation this year was slightly different in the way I tried to approach the role with more openness and some of my own sensitivity to plug into the work.

What themes and characters do you hope to lean into as your career progresses? Do you have a dream role?
I just want to work on projects that are grounded and truthful, beyond that, the sky is the limit. I don’t discriminate.

Social Media.
Instagram: @sammccarthy02

PhotoBook Editor-In-Chief: Alison Hernon
PhotoBook Creative Director: Mike Ruiz +
Photographer: Michael Creagh
Talent: Sam McCarthy
Fashion Stylist: Alison Hernon
Groomer: Lisa-Raquel Baines at See Management
Photography Assistant: Felicia Abban
Fashion Styling Interns: Sienna Ropert, Uno
Tearsheets by Daniel López, Associate Art Director, PhotoBook Magazine
Interview by Sienna Ropert, Contributor, PhotoBook Magazine